Mother & Child (moving in silence…) | 2022 | acrylic & spray paint on paper| 24x 36 inches

Mother & Child (skinny little legs…) | 2022 | acrylic & spray paint on paper| 24x 36 inches

Mother & Child (…with heads removed) | 2022 | acrylic & spray paint on paper| 24x 36 inches

Mother & Child (in slow motion) | 2022 | acrylic & spray paint on paper| 24x 36 inches



Breakdown, moving in silence
In slow motion returning in rounds
The cold water fever in a trance
So beautiful pulse racing
Revolving in rounds

Skinny little legs
Skinny little legs
Skinny little legs
Like marionettes with
Heads removed
Heads removed
She forgets
She forgets


Trey Anastasio, In Rounds

Some viewers might recognize that I’ve pulled lyrics from the song “In Rounds” on Trey Anastasio’s 2015 album Paper Wheels and plugged them into the titles of this series. It’s one of my favorite Trey songs and I’ve been listening to it a lot lately, but the illustrations weren’t drafted with the song in mind. I only used the lyrics in the titles because I sing the "skinny little legs" phrase to my daughter every morning while helping her get dressed and that’s what I thought about when I made the blue and red composition. I got a kick out of it.

I'm not sure what the song is about exactly. I speculate it's not really about anything specific at all - it's more like a surreal dream vision that doesn't quite add up but is impactful nonetheless and a hell of a lot of fun to boogie to. The song is kind of dark and humorous, but also downright funky. I’m not sure what these images are, but I’m also not convinced they need to make sense to enjoy them.

-JNC | March 2022